



Over the last two years, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released three analyses that showcase the best knowledge of climate science and what actions we can take to limit global warming. Today, the IPCC released the Sixth Assessment (AR6) synthesis report that combines those findings, including that temperatures are set to rise significantly without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors. Alarmingly, even if global greenhouse gas emissions peak before 2025 and are slashed 43% by 2030, the IPCC finds “it is almost inevitable” that the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal will temporarily be breached in the decades ahead.

Yet the IPCC offers good news too: we can bring temperatures back below the 1.5°C threshold by the end of the century — but only if deep emission cuts are paired with the rapid deployment of techniques to capture and store carbon, such as reforesting lands and using direct air capture facilities. But we must act fast. For example, to stay on track with climate goals, technological carbon removal needs to ramp up to around 75 million metric tons annually by 2030, compared to less than 1 million metric tons being captured and removed today.

Join us on March 23 for a high-level webinar featuring IPCC authors, government representatives and leading carbon removal experts to discuss how carbon removal is a critical tool in our toolbox to address the climate crisis. Speakers will examine what the latest IPCC report says about carbon removal, which approaches are progressing the fastest, who are the frontrunners in the carbon removal market, how to address equity concerns, and what investments governments and businesses need to make now to rapidly scale up CDR deployment over the next 10 years if we are to avert climate disaster.

Speakers include:

  • Greg Nemet, IPCC Author and Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Noah Deich, Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Carbon Management, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Nora Cohen Brown, Head of Market Development and Policy, Charm Industrial
  • Taryn Fransen, Senior Fellow, Climate, World Resources Institute (moderator)

This event will be hosted in English with simultaneous interpretation in French and Spanish.

Cover image by Climateworks